
Using Reciprocal Questioning to help students ask better questions

I often told my students that when they entered my class that they were on a journey. Their purpose was to seek information that would ultimately […]

How to give feedback to a student to adjust their thinking

How we respond to students when they are on the road to mastery is important. At times, their thinking needs to be adjusted in order to […]

How to help students learn from success

Even when students experience success, there is still work to be done to ensure that success can be duplicated. We need to be intentional to help […]

How to help student break negative thought patterns

The first thought your students have when they meet a challenge is an important one. Without a doubt, that thought determines what actions they will or […]

Problem-solving: The unwritten goal

School is where students get much needed practice solving problems. As a teacher, I taught U.S. History, but I also embedded in my lesson opportunities for […]